Title: Monumenta Westmonasteriensia, or, An ...
Publisher: C. Wilkinson and T. Dringat the Black-boy, and at the Harrow in Fleetstreet. 1682
Publication Date: 1682
Binding: Hardcover
Book Condition: Very Good
Edition: 1st
[16], 368 printed pages. Woodcut initials at A5a, B1a; woodcut factotum initial A2a. Black letter type used for some proper names and inscriptions. Title within double rule border. Epistle dedicatory signed: Henry Keepe. Includes index. First and last leaf with age toning in the margins. 13 x 19 cm.Rebound in full panelled calf , blind-stamped in the manner of a contemporary binding. Spine in six compartments, with green morocco label, gilt lettering and gilt date at the foot. Preserved in navy blue velvet lined, maroon, cloth box. Keepe (1652-88) planned to publish a lavish illustrated edition of this work, with copperplate engravings, along the lines of Dugdale's The history of Saint Paul's Cathedral (1658) and issued a printed prospectus. Although, the project foundered for lack of financial support, and the present octavo edition was the only text published by Keepe, it does preserve information about monuments in the Abbey that have since been changed and/or moved. For 18 years Keepe was a member of the choir of Westminster Abbey, & he became a Catholic convert under James ii. Another edition is recorded by Wing (Wing K127) and by Upcott, dated 1683. English Short Title Catalogue Citation Number ESTC R275. WorldCat locates five copies at RIBA, Manchester Uni., Coburg, Erlangen and Colombia Uni. N.Y. Bookseller Inventory # 4334