A Bibliography. Two Volumes. Compiled by Kalman L. Levitan.
Introduction by Robert E. Massmann. Skokie, Illinois.
Limited Edition of 249 copies for private distribution. Skokie: Black Cat Press, 1983. 150 printed pages, paginated continuously. "Printed in a limited edition for the author for private distribution." Introduction by Robert E. Massmann, designed by Norman Forgue of the Black Cat Press, printed by the Schori Press. With the 13-cent "mini" stamp of an Indian Head Penny tipped in as the frontispiece of the first volume and a copy of Soliloquy of a Postage Stamp, a keepsake produced by the Black Cat Press inserted in the second volume.
Vol. One Book Measures Approximately 70 mm High X 57 mm Wide X 9 mm Thick.
Vol. Two Book Measures Approximately 70 mm High X 57 mm Wide X 10 mm Thick.
Original red leatherette boards with gilt stamped titling and border. Composed in Linotype Melior and printed on Coronado Text paper by the Schori Press, Inc. Handbound by Bela Blau. Design, typography and production by Norman W. Forgue.
An expertly written reference book on the subject. Eight pages at the end of Volume 2 are left blank for notes. A fine copy.