Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Opera. Mesnier, A. Paris. 1828. [4, blank], viii, 229 [7, blank] printed pages in Latin. Number 3 of 100, limited, numbered copies on Japan paper. Printer: Didot natu minor via dicta des Macons-Sorbonne, no. 13. Ornamental line on 38 different pages containing the words "Henri Didot" in both Roman and Italic letters, set in the smallest fount ever made. Microscopic, miraculously small, and exceptionally clear and beautiful 2 1/2- point typeface cut by Henri Didot (too small to be cut individually, Didot invented polyamatype, a process casting several types in a single cast). It is far more attractive a type face and far easier to read than Farina's "fly's eye" type, used for the feted "Galileo" and "Dantino". This is the third numbered copy on special paper of the second publication using this typeface after the Maximes de la Rochefoucauld, brought out by this publisher and by A.Sautelet and by Treutel & Wruts. It is extremely rare for the numbered copies to become available in commerce, particularly with such a low number as three, and I cannot trace the last time any of the 100 copies were available to buy. Some slight browning that is extremely mild. Front and rear inner leather hand tooled elaborate floral and pointille design within 6 fillet gilt ruled borders. Front and back free endpapers lined with gold leaf. All edges gilt. Contemporary ink inscription in fine hand, "Marco Ruperto Gilchrist,Scoto; Valerianus Pietkiewicz, holonus, exult, grati atque amici animi monumentum MDCCCXXXIV". Provenance: V. Pietkiewicz was on the POLISH NATIONAL COMMITTEE held at, Paris, via Taranne, 12. On 6 October 1832 ". 46 x 74mm. Contemporary tan calf, vertically scrolling stapwork motif in gilt with gilt lettering, "Horace". Covers with double fillet gilt ruled borders and floral cornerpieces. Upper hinge slightly cracked but firm. Corners bumped. Three miniscule old ink spots on lower cover. Horace wrote four different types of poems to correspond with the four ages: Odes for boys, Ars Poetica for young men, Satires for mature men, and Epistles for old men. Bondy, 91. Spielmann, 201. Nauroy, 58. Newsletter of the LXIVmos, XVI:2, XI:2-3. Welsh, 3568. OCLC numbe, 724223097r. WorldCat locates 1 copies worldwide (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Leipzig). 20 firsts2024